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Writer's pictureDetermin8tor Diaries

How I Overcame Self-Doubt and Launched a Successful SEO Business

Updated: Sep 16

I started my business because a client called me The SEO Coach, and it totally resonated! That made me realize how much I loved teaching and that was the purpose in my life I had been searching for.

blond woman smiling
Michelle LaRose | The SEO Coach

The biggest challenge I ran into when first starting my business was my mindset. Was I really an SEO expert? Could I coach and actually charge money to coach clients on SEO? There aren't many of us out there as SEO (done correctly) is a closely guarded secret, so finding mentors was next to impossible as well. On top of that, when I first decided to go full time with my business, I called one of my cousins and asked his advice. He told me it couldn't be done.

a woman and three men
Michelle LaRose | Austin TX USA (My Three Sons)

What takes persistence is being a successful entrepreneur. I want to accomplish a seven figure income. It can be difficult going after this goal because many women my age weren't brought up in a culture that rewarded having a career or being the primary breadwinner. I stay motivated because I want abundance! What helped me overcome this is meeting successful women. Friending them on Facebook or LinkedIn, meeting them in person. It felt great! I continue to meet successful women and claim them as my friends!

One time in my life, I showed myself I was a Determin8tor when I got my degree! I worked for ten years to get my bachelors degrees - I have two majors. I didn't give up because I had set a goal for myself as being the first person in my family to have a college degree. I wanted to give up because I had kids. It would have been easy to use them as an excuse. I was a mom with two small children, we were living in poverty, and I had a full time job. But I persevered and accomplished it!

I wanted to give up because I had kids. It would have been easy to use them as an excuse.

I continually Slay the Nay in my head every day, sometimes multiple times a day! The loudest Nay for me is "no one wants to learn SEO." I acknowledge that little voice, thank it for keeping me safe, then go on with my day continuing towards my goals I set forth.

One bigger goal I have right now and am actively pursuing is going one to many. I love 1:1 coaching but I also want to reach a larger audience. What motivates me is I love to empower others. Teaching brings me so much joy and I have a valuable skill every small business owner shouldn't be without!

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